
Brian Manning - Labor for Port Darwin

Brian Manning - Territory Labor Candidate for Port Darwin

Hello, I’m Brian Manning, born at Myilly Point, and raised in Darwin, I have deep ties to the Port Darwin electorate.

My school education commenced at Darwin Pre-School then Darwin Primary and Darwin High School.

I’ve just spent the last eight years as Assistant Principal of Darwin Middle School.

Along with my wife, Dr Anne Kleinitz, I’m raising five amazing kids. Anne spent five years in General Practice at the Cavenagh Medical Centre and is now working in remote communities and training medical students, junior doctors, GP trainees and registrars in General Practice.

Like many in our wonderfully multicultural community, my mother, Mila, immigrated in the early 1960s. She worked hard in a number of her parent’s small businesses in the CBD before commencing her career as a CSD attendant at the old Darwin Hospital.

My late father, Brian T Manning, spent his working life on the Port Darwin waterfront. He was known and respected across the political spectrum for improving the lives of many people less fortunate than himself.

Mum and Dad instilled in me the values of education, community service, working hard, standing up for what you believe and being a voice for those who don’t have one.

Growing up in Darwin some of my fondest memories were fishing on Stokes Hill wharf, learning the trumpet in primary school, kicking my first soccer ball for Port Darwin and playing Aussie rules for Waratah during my teens.

After school, I pursued a Bachelor of Music from UNE, Armidale, and Diploma in Education from the University of Sydney. Yet, my heart was drawn back to the Top End. I have dedicated the last 25 years to education across the NT.

My passion for nurturing young minds and developing local talent has seen me undertake numerous teaching and leadership roles across institutions such as Darwin High School, The NT Music School, Malak Re-engagement Centre and remote schools at the GARMA Festival.

At Darwin Middle School, I initiated pathways for students in VET and the Performing Arts.

My unwavering belief in the transformative power of education earned me the Teaching in the Territory “Darwin School Leader of the Year” award in 2018.

In my time as a musician that has performed in almost all venues in the CBD I have witnessed the challenges our small business community have faced.

I intend to work closely with stakeholders to find real solutions to these problems.

I want all of our children to have safe, happy and healthy lives with meaningful education pathways that lead to a job and a fulfilling life.

I believe only a Territory Labor government can deliver the investments in education, health and housing we so urgently need. I’m seeking your support to create a stronger, safer, and more prosperous Darwin.

Let’s make it happen!


Phone: 0467 718 265
Email: brianforportdarwin@outlook.com
Facebook: Brian Manning - Labor for Port Darwin